Yesterday I was finally able to start my medication for the PCOS. My OB put me on Clomid, which helps my brain release the right hormones so my ovaries produce and release an egg. Now its up to Hubby and I to get our timing right. 

The funny thing was that she warned me about some side effects. I have to laugh because the worst one is the lower back pain. My whole lower back is just sore. Other than that I have horrible hot flashes, but the water and opening the house up seems to be helping that. 

The one that she mentioned, that I am actually worried about, is the mood changes. I'm hoping to not turn into a massive B. So far I feel more mellow than normal. I can say that I hope this mellow feeling keeps up so the anxiety attacks go away. Hubby is extremely laid back so me walking around extra anxious all the time doesn't really help.

Maybe I'll have Hubby put a tent up in the backyard if the side effects get too much for him. :)
6/25/2014 02:14:15 am

I think I would have him put the tent up just for your own sanity! :) good luck Sara, I hope & pray this works cuz I can't wait to be an auntie again!


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