One thing I've wanted to do for an extremely long time is be able to homeschool my son. Sadly, because I do work full-time this isn't a viable option. We, my husband and I, cannot afford to have me quit working full-time and helping support our family. 

However, no one said that I still couldn't do homeschooling curriculum with him when I am home.

We still are not sure where we are going to have him go to school when kindergarten starts. (My husband wants the local public school and I want a place where he will actually come out better than he went in.) We are in the process of actually talking about if he's going to school next year or if we'll keep him out until he's six. 

In my world, I would love to keep him out for kindergarten and homeschool him for at least that year. I'll know that he'll have a strong foundation when he starts first grade. No matter where he ends up.

With this in mind I have been looking at different resources that might just work for our family and my soon to be extremely busy summer "vacation." 

Yes, I did Pinterest a lot of different activities. Because I'm a school teacher, I also have some other resources readily available to me. Yet, I still feel as if I'm short in some areas. 

I do know that I need to focus heavier on reading and Bible study with him. He loves math and anything to do with math. He loves science too, right now, because it is so hands on and he's a very kinesthetic child. This does not bode too well for basic reading. 

Thankfully, at the pre-school age it is easier to find activities for him to do than my current classroom of 5th graders. (The older the child, the harder to find hands-on reading activities.)

As I find supplies and resources I will gladly share, but I don't see that happening until further into the "school summer." 

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